twinned with trumpton


School drop off done, it was pretty much straight out on the bike for a peripherique-esque bike ride (I took in some graffiti at Straiton as a variation but essentially the route was 95% covered)

To Cramond was nice, a breeze behind; quiet so no jogger / dogger dodging; the rain started as I climbed past the Cramond Inn; as I broke the speed limit on Whitehouse Road it was coming down steadily and by the Gyle I was sodden.
The climb up through Bankhead / Wester Hailes / Oxgangs served to soak me more, this time with sweat before the generally down hill sections into the wind helped cool me off.
A good two hours out.
Changed and out, a school pick up . drama drop off and some shopping and I was home for 4.30; before another swift turnaround and back to hers for 3 hour window of Friday dinner - halloumi with cranberry sauce; fish with saute potatoes and cauliflower cheese (a deconstructed fish pie, almost) and cherry clafoutis. She'd never had before; it will feature again.

I got in for the 2nd half of the fitba; half watched it; half chatted to her before dozing off.

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