Woody Woodpecker

I opened the curtains this morning and got greeted by rain but then a much more cheery sight of the greater spotted woodpecker in the garden. It was a male bird coming in onto the feeders and then feeding the juvenile.

What a treat first thing and it got me awake and downstairs quicker than normal ! I was pleased to get some photos even though the iso had to be ridiculously high.

For those following my peregrine updates: the weather today was lousy and I popped to see them in rain late afternoon. The second youngster had fledged and a passer by pointed him out to me on an apartment roof settled down in quite a sheltered spot. The last bird is now on the nest not showing much inclination to fly today but surely will tomorrow. The parents were close by keeping watch. The bad news is that messages from fellow observers that the #1 juvenile hasn't been seen since his ordeal yesterday - the outcome doesn't look good.

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