Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Purdy 3

With this being my last day here for the time being, I thought I'd show you the progress that Purdy has made in a week.

I was told by the owner that I'd never see her, and when I arrived she hid behind the chest of drawers and only came out for food. My theory (though it is just a guess) is that Purdy is frightened of the two excitable children in the household. She has maybe bitten or scratched them in the past, so they now give her a wide berth.

After a week she is choosing to spend time with me, often sitting behind me on the chair at the computer, and sharing the sofa with me while I watch television. This morning she looked very at ease beside me in the conservatory.

And the name Purdy suits her - she has the loudest purr ever!

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