Constant Exposure

By constant

Prodigal Son(y) Returns

So over a year ago we moved from Southern California up to Portland Oregon. We packed all our belongings into boxes, put them on a huge truck, and moved up. We first rented a house and then, after about 6 months, moved in to our new home.

In all that time we tried in vain to find our Playstation 2 game console. Nearly everyday Holly asked me if I had found it yet. I must have searched all the boxes at least four times over the course of a few months. Finally we gave it up for lost and even Holly stopped asking.

It's now over a year since our initial move. There are only a few unpacked boxes remain in our basement; basically six or so out of the original three hundred. A few days ago I got the bug to do some jigsaw puzzles and ended up looking through the remaining boxes for a particular puzzle I wanted to do. In the process I noticed in one of the boxes a bunch of videos, music CDs and some Playstation games. The videos interested me because I thought I might find the "Sound of Music" that has also been missing; a movie I want to watch with the kids sometime. I ended up digging down to the bottom of the box...low and behold there was the Playstation! Score!

Needless to say, Holly was over the moon.

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