Life on the edge...

By bru22

Something Big...

18 days until tour...

Like a grain of sand
That wants to be
A rolling stone
I want to be the man
I'm not
And have the things
I really haven't got
And that's a lot

There'll be joy
And there'll be laughter
Something big is what I'm after now
Yes, it's what I'm after now

After taking
Take up giving
Something big is what I'm living for
Yes, it's what I'm living for
Living for

Why do I go on
And fill my life with little things
When there are big things I must do
And lots of dreams
That really should come true
Before I'm through

There'll be joy
And there'll be laughter
Something big is what I'm after now
Yes, it's what I'm after now

After taking
Take up giving
Something big is what I'm living for
Yes, it's what I'm living for
Living for

Ronan Keating

I popped over to Ferryden today, and sat on the phone to Angela for a little bit... It was great... I just completely zoned out and took in everything around me. The simple little things like the ducks bobbing up and down in the water, the seagulls flying overhead, the little old man welding huge chains together beside "Adams Vision" a massive red and white ship with a helipad... I stayed put after our chats and just "sat"... Watching the world go by. A few fishermen appeared and said "what a lovely day?" which I agreed. Although having just typed that in, I turned into Sonoc the Hedgehog for a slip second to get all mums washing in from outside as the heavens have well and truely opened. I now look like a drowned rat!

I noticed a little yellow boat which I was going to Blip as it was called "Lunan Lass" presumably connected to Lunan Bay in some way but decided on this shot looking back towards the bridge that connects Ferryden to Montrose on the other side is Montrose Basin.

This little blue boat and the big blue ship in the background somehow connected me back to that song at the top of my Blip "Something Big"... Made me think of where I'm about to venture... I will however continue to Blip and spot the little things as to me, they are and always will be more important than anything big.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

Robert Brault

For Angela:

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Robert Brault

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