Alpine Butterfly 2

This beauty just would not co-operate. From a blurry shot I think she might be a variety of Tortoiseshell but I know my Blip friends will help.

Last night's concert with Maxim Vengerov was perfection itself. A magnificent Brahms violin concerto followed by an encore of the Bach Sarabande. He has lost none of his magic.

I've spent today in master classes. This morning with Thomas Quasthoff and this afternoon with Sir Thomas Allen.

The young baritone rehearsing Figaro was wonderful. Another name to note - Valdis Jansons.

He's Latvian. Like the baritone who sang Otello at Covent Garden and like our Birmingham maestro Andris Nelsons.

How can one country produce so many magical musicians ?

And now I'm watching the Opening Ceremony with a French/Swiss commentary and a mystery cellist practising in the room next door :-)

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