
By mike191435

Hello everybody, it’s me, I’m back! Unfortunately, it would seem that ’Bean’ will no longer be with us, but my son has managed to furnish me with a temporary solution. However, thanks to Dave’s intervention, it may be that I shall soon have a more permanent installation once again ….. thanks again Dave!
Whilst I would seem to have resolved my problems as far as my computer is concerned, we are now experiencing severe problems with our internet service, and this has also been one of the reasons why I have been unable to blip these past few days. We are in contact with the telephone engineers who have promised that they will be checking the line and eventually our installation. In the meantime, it may not always be possible for me to send a blip each day, neither to be able to respond to all your lovely blips. I will start to view and respond to your past blips these past 7 days and to comment on them as time permits. However, please forgive me if I am not able to respond immediately to your personal blip, but I will eventually do so. It currently takes me about 15 minutes to publish a photograph and a considerable amount of time to comment. It also transpires very often that after typing and sending a comment, the internet fails and I loose not only the connection, but the comment as well, and have to start all over again...........very frustrating!!!
This morning I had the pleasure of visiting a very pretty village about 16kms from us called Lyons la Foret. It is a very well known and popular place, and is often used as a back drop for TV and cinema films. Whilst the main attractions are the market square and the house of Maurice Ravel, the famous composer, (and no doubt the subjects of future blips), this morning, I decided to take a shot from this pretty little lane, looking towards just one of the many beautiful cottages situated in and around this beautiful village. As you can see, there is a little area of green opposite with a number of trees, shrubs and flowers, as well as this lovely little bridge which I have just crossed in order to take this photo.
The weather today was not exactly brilliant, being very overcast and with intermittent spots of rain. The weather forecast for the rest of the week is heavy down pours with a reduction in temperatures once again! I sincerely hope that you are having better weather wherever you may be.
Thank you for resuming your following, which I truly appreciate, and I wish you all a very nice evening, day or morning.

One hour and 33 minutes later………………….still trying to publish this blip, but without success, due to our internet problems. I’ll keep trying in the hope that I can do so before midnight! “Patience is a virtue!!!”

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