Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Western Wood Pewee

It has been another wonderful day at the lake.  I spotted two seldom seen birds (by me anyway) and managed to get a shot of this one.  He tried his best to hide from the camera and he blends in so well that I wasn't sure I would.  The other was a Ruby-crowned Kinglet but he was too fast for me.  We are getting together with the campers next to us and the camp hosts (our dear friends) for a campfire tonight.  Piper is excited because she met their dog, Riley, today and they really hit it off.  It's shaping up for another beautiful sunset so I may be adding extras later.  :-)

Thanks to everyone who has left comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's blip and for past ones!  They are all very much appreciated and I'm sorry to not be responding individually!  

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