
It's out. That elusive first tooth lost. Or in her case, lost at its appropriate natural time, rather than "because you fell 18months ago".  It turns out that pulling your own tooth out is preferable to having it bleeding in your mouth. It was making her quite cross by the time I got her home from school. I had a go for her but she got quite cross at me. She went into her room, supposedly to get changed, and returned delightedly with it in her hand- and she was so much happier once it was out. It was only an hour until time to go to band, so the timing was not great but after the little bleeding had stopped she had a go at her clarinet straight away and was very excited to be able to play well still. She sent a very happy photo and video to B to show her too. Isn't it funny how big a deal it looks when it is in their mouths but how incredibly tiny the tooth is once its in their hand? 

You can tell the clock is ticking on the end of term concert at band - they regularly release them five or ten minutes early. Today they ran late. There is only next week and then it is show time! It was very fabulous as this week we were able to drive to band (though that was a little more stressful than the train ride because of the teatime traffic) and then get straight in the car to come home. We were almost an hour earlier arriving home than last week. 

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