Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

There's been a murduuuuurrr

This kept me glued to the page from Aberdeen right to the end of the book as the train pulled into Glasgow Central. All of which meant I didn't get a chance to look into the windows of passing houses and other peoples' lives....just as well really, not the kind of book where you want life to imitate art. Although come to think of it, there was this one time many years ago, when the train slowed down in Perth just before the station and there was a man standing at his window brushing his teeth butt naked watching the train go past. I also remember years ago waiting in the car at the lights at the junction of the old Amatola Hotel and a big naked dude with a Viking hat was posing like the man from C&A in the corner B&B windae much to the bemusement of car loads of Aberdonians. So that's trains and automobiles covered. Just planes to go.

7 hours return trip to Glasgow for a two hour meeting. The Early drive to Dyce station was really quiet, much quieter than usual, the train was also really quiet, I got a seat no bother, there's not so much cars or people travelling, Aberdeen feels a bit quiet and sleepy.

Back home again and out for a very late evening beach visit.

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