Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

All shapes and sizes

And lots of pink. Didn't bode well at first though....Tess slept in, only time for some in-car jammy piece scoffing for brekkie on route, we had to park over 2km away from the race start and I was dressed for winter in a puffa jacket and woollen jumper....so basically we were really disorganised and highly likely to miss the official start.

But as we neared the event with minutes to spare I realised we shouldn't be sweating (literally) such small stuff, we should just get on with it. Where else would I get to spend some rare 1 on 1 time with Tess, walking and talking, shooting the breeze together along the promenade on a Sunday morning. She read out the messages on folks backs as we walked along. Thanks to Race for Life I got that time with Tess and we helped raise some dosh to kick cancer's butt as they say. And we did it together. I reminded her that her Granda is a cancer survivor. That it can be beaten. I know mum, I know she says. But She was already telling me how more organised we would be for next time before we reached the first kilometre. So there will be a next time. Good. I may even go back to running gear next time but if I still turn up last minute in winter clothing that will be just fine too.

No sooner than we'd crossed the finish line we trudged back the extra 2k again to the car it was full steam ahead to get her to her bowling in Inverurie. What with her trip to Blair Drummond with the guides the day before, she fairly packed a lot in in two days.

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