Tomorrows blip (12th)

Today is the day. Well tonight is the night we will walk the walk for breast cancer. It's walk the walk 20th anniversary and we are pleased to be part of it.

We were going to have a lazy day, which we did to a certain extent but we went back to princess street for some last minute essentials and ended up walking 5 miles. Very steadily, we didn't exert ourselves so it didn't seem like 5 miles. Primark was open too, so it had to be done again didn't it?

After a light lunch of fish and chips we bussed again back to fawlty Towers. A lazy afternoon with the telly and a dose before we ate our pasta purchased earlier and started to get ourselves ready in our walking attire, bra, socks, trainers, hoody. Bags packed for the walk and clipped around our waist. Numbers pinned to our thighs, gloves on, phones charged (on her side of the room), taxi ordered and nervously we waited for our taxi to arrive. We played the part and sat outside Fawlty Towers in our bra, proud of what we were doing, not the prettiest sight but all for a good cause. Taxi arrived and off we went.

We arrived at moon city around 8.40pm. There were one or two things going on, we had our pre ordered pasta meal which was a bit overdone with oregano but the flapjack was nice. We had ourselves a tatttoo on our faces, bought a flashy ring, all for a pound so not unreasonable. There was entertainment which was ok and the atmosphere was party like. We took our bags for afterwards to the bag tent, visited the bathroom (portaloo), there are no more until 3 miles! Then waited for the count down.

Great excitement as the new mooners (6 miles) were called to the start line, followed by the half mooners (13 miles) and then us, the full mooners (26.2 miles) at 11.30pm. We were off, somewhere in the crowd also were the over the mooners, they were doing it twice (52 miles ) before 12 lunch time I believe. So good luck to them.

The first 3 miles were a bit of a shock, mostly up hill out of holyrood park. I thought i needed my inhaler and my poor friend was sufferering too. We both wondered what on earth we had let ourselves in for, however we battled on and managed and really there was no hill we couldn't manage. We have trained, we were prepared we just had a little shock. Once we got over it we settled into our stride and off we went.

For more news of the walk please read tomorrows blip (12th).

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