Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Trouble in a pint sized portion

We kept today free for tidying the house. We got a lot done but you know things are in a bad state when you've gathered 4 bin bags and 4 charity shop bags full and you've still not finished. I am the sort of person who is very house proud but doesnt prioritise cleaning and tidying. Bad combination, but Im convinced if I can get rid of loads of stuff it will be easier to maintain.

Thunderstorms were expected today ahead of the much anticipated Olympics opening ceremony but its been another beautiful day. The kids have been painting in the garden all afternoon. They've done some great bits of art, my particular favourite being a scene from Lord of the Rings.

I didnt think this 'bathing baby in sink' thing through properly. (see blip) She was grabbing at the plant on the window sill which caused her to slip. She then grabbed the nearest things being the hot tap and pulled it on full blast. Thankfully it wasnt on long enough to get really hot but we did get absolutely drenched...Then she got out and did a poo on the living room rug! Smashing

Kids all in bed, J is out so Im going to do my exercises to some good tunes, shower and watch the opening ceremony while I tackle my thank you cards for all our lovely wedding gifts.

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