Day 3 in Pasty Land.
I didnt have a great nights sleep due to Mr W's 'overindulgence' last night so look great delight in having to wake him up this morning as we had to check out by 11am.
He had very little recollection of what happened from about 11pm onwards. Probably just as well really!!!
We chose not to book breakfast in the hotel as there are plenty of places to eat around Pentire so today I chose a little cafe/Restaurant on the way down to the beach. They did toast the size of door steps and it over looked my favourite place in the world.....Fistral Beach. So I had a Eurica moment and decided I would like my 50th Birthday Party there!! Its a stones throw from our Hotel and I'm hoping good friends and close Family would be willing to spend a night in Newquay to have 2 years notice People!!!! Mr W even made enquiries!
After breakfast, we met Sam at the Stables for a large glass of orange juice before making our way slowly back across the beach. I lingered as we strolled. Mr W owed me that at least!!
After a few nibbles and another drink to use up our loyalty credit in the hotel lounge, we said our farewells to Sam and made our way home at about 4 o'clock. Its always very sad having to say goodbye but I knew he was a wrecked as Mr W and was probably wanting to get back to bed anyway!!!
So my extra shots are of Sam and Mr W with the little Party Cabin behind them and Mr W and I eating breakfast in side. Oh I do hope it comes off!!!
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