
By Mal49


Following on from last nights post, Strangles the Black Headed Python is in the process of devouring it's last meal before hibernating for Winter. Time is required for the snake to fully digest the 250g White Rat before hibernation can start. Normally such a meal would last Strangles for three weeks to a month. In about a week or so once digestion is complete, the thermostat will be turned off allowing the enclosure to drop from 28 to 30 degrees down to room temperature. Strangles will curl up in a hollow log and go to sleep until about mid September when the thermostat is turned back on again. This allows the snake to continue it's normal yearly life cycle. As I pointed out last night, this blip shows Strangles having it's last meal for the next three months or more, so now wouldn't be a good time to suggest sharing. Hope you enjoy the blip and I will try and get a shot of Strangles after sleeping for three months. Hope your day is sunny and warm.

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