Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A kiss

of dark chocolate.  I am not really a chocolate person but these little kisses will take the edge off any sweet craving I have..sometimes I have a little red wine with it.  

My entry for Tiny Tuesday.  Thanks to Walking Wombat.

I am so uninspired to take any photos right now even though I love it.     I need a new focus for the camera.  I tried just using the iphone in the last week or so just taking a photo wherever I happened to be.   I think part of my lost focus is the unbearable hot weather we are having.  I can't get outside like I want to be in nature as I can't stand the heat. We have been sweltering in upper 90's for over a week.  

I have an online photo class starting on Monday that might help me to see  differently.   The 6 week class is called Adventures in Seeing and is presented by Kim Manley Ort.  I can't get the link to work but you can Google her name.     
If you are interested in learning more about contemplative photography it might be a good place to start.  I am looking forward to the motivation to get out and take photos.   I have taken Kim's classes before and they are really informative in a great, positive environment.  

The good news about being forced to stay inside by the heat is I have cleaned up the photos on the computer.  Deleted, moved to files and then moved to the external drive.  Now not so much taking up space on the laptop.  

Gosh, this is a long post!  Need to go get a kiss!

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