Ditto (Aya #2)

A day of wearisome procrastination after an almost sleepless night due to the absurdly uncomfortable temperature in my bedroom.  (Note to self: it's about time you bought an AC unit). No class no meeting no thing to take me into school so I stayed home, continually avoiding and postponing the paperwork that looms and lurks with deadlines just beyond urgent until at 16.00, I joined Robin for a couple of hours Ayawatch while her parents pack for tomorrow's journey to Japan.  Outside Robin's apartment sweet Aya chan enchanted us with her new drop-it-on-the-floor game (see here and here) and new mobility skills (see yesterday) whereby she really really tried to move her wheels to go pick it up herself and managed the straight lines - but still mostly backwards - clearly understood that turning left or right was about moving her body, but couldn't quite.....  then when it was clear that she'd had enough, we three went inside and after some play and chitchat, we settled to watch the "Wheels on the bus" video for a little bit.  Well actually, she watched the video, enthralled, and we watched her, equally enthralled.  Much more entertaining than writing academic papers.  

After she'd gone the heavens opened and thunder and lightening flooded the skies and I went home hoping that tonight I will be able to sleep, even to the rhythm of the rain.

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