Nosey Coos at Stromfirt

The sun has been shining all day again, a few clouds on the sky now and again and there has been a nip in the air with the breeze. 

I've had another busy morning in the museum office.  Plenty of photo orders to process.  Met up with mam at lunchtime and we went to the Hoswick café for a bite to eat.  Later this afternoon I was out on another photo mission.  It's been a quiet evening, nipped back to Lerwick and had a walkabout with Sammy.  Off to work in the pub again tonight.  

I headed to the parish of Whiteness and Weisdale for photos.  I had to take photos of an abandoned croft and spied cows in the field too.  I'm always a bit nervous when in a field of cows, they are so unpredictable and jumpy.  On my out of the field, they all rushed in to have a look at me.  They are right nosey animals but nice when there's a fence between us.  Taken at Stromfirth.  

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