Desperately seeking

By clickychick

More Rain

I should have known rain was coming as we sat in a nice big lay-by enjoying a picnic lunch!

A few weeks ago I was travelling along the A595 and noticed that there was now a garden centre at Moota. What drew my attention to it was a banner saying Pond Plants. Now, I only have a very tiny pond, already with a water lily in it, but I wanted a dwarf bulrush. It turned out they have a much larger selection of pond plants than I have seen anywhere else in the county AND they had Typha minima! As the pots drip a lot, I asked the assistant to keep it aside for me until I was ready to go back to the car.

At that point the heavens opened, we made a dash for the cafe taking the highest ground through the puddles, and took our seats. I reached in my bag. No purse. I had put it in a carrier bag this morning. The Man said he would go back to the car and get it. "Would you bring my wellies as well?" I asked. I would like to walk around the garden centre, but not in these shoes!

The Man arrived back with no wellies. They must have been in the other car. No purse either, it must have been left at home in another carrier bag! Apologizing to the waitress (thank goodness she hadn't taken our order) we left. It was harder now to get back to the car with dry feet.

What about the plant we had asked to be kept for us?

Back at the car we searched every pocket and every container. I found a fiver in my camera bag, a couple of pound coins in the glove compartment set aside for supermarket trolleys and, bless her soul, I still had, deep in my bag, a small favourite purse of mum's in which she used to keep pound coins. Maintaining her habit had saved the day. I counted out enough for the plant and went back to the cafe to check the price of two lattes. Wonderful! I even had 53p to spare after buying them!

Now to go and collect the water plant. The cafe was by this time, surrounded by a moat. Clamber over the rockery in these shoes, or get my feet wet? 

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