A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I somehow again failed to take a proper picture today so this is a screenshot of my phone. Bad I know but it turns out I would rather have this than a gap. Not sure what my excuse is either other than continued logistical nonsense and a bit of a lack of inspiration.

I am a little defeated by untangling Anna's hair in the hope it can be forced into a bun like shape tomorrow. Who'd have thought after all this it would be the bun that would get me?

An okay day for the boy...some tired and hard bits but today balanced out with a 40 minute discussion on the news stories of the day...the EU referendum and American gun control, including a hilarious, if a bit sweary comedy sketch from an Australian comic on what the rest of the world thinks of Americans and gun control. All followed by a play in the garden with Albi. His stamina is definitely building.

And now I must sleep and sleep and sleep.

And I'm hoping someone starts some Blip Awards so this can be nominated for least effort. Will mark my report card, must try harder.

Lesley x

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