A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Reasons to be cheerful

1. All thanks to PhilippaJ we have the most marvellous new game in our house, Rummikub. It is quite simply splendid. In and of itself (I love that expression). And also because J played it for 40 mins, twice today. Completely & properly. And if you don't know the game let me assure you that involves some real actual thinking. He whooped my ass on the first game before I'd even cranked my brain into gear. There was a 5hour gap between the games, during which he struggled quite a bit, but it is a huge step that he was able to play for so long. And twice too.

2. And he read some of The Simpsons book.

3. And I took delivery of the very lovely sparkling Rose they serve at our new local bar and I found online for the same price a bottle they sell a glass.

And a bonus one...

4. A wonderful hairdresser sorted Anna's hair problems just in time for the dress rehearsal of her musical theatre show.

Lesley x

Ps. Just caught up on the latest episode of Mum. I can't quite put my finger on why exactly but I really love it.

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