
By Livresse

Day 20: Vienne - Mallissard . The arrival!

We made it!!! And what a contrast today was! The weather was perfect, the cycling easy on the Via Rhona  - an amazing cycle route from the Leman to the Mediterranean, which we could all the way from Vienne to Valence, no navigation problem, good surface and no traffic! We met my sister half-way for a picnic lunch.  Then, we met a group of cyclists and to my astonishment, I realised that I knew almost all of them!!! The loal cycling club had come to meet us and cycled the rest of the way with us. Meeting other people on the way, we finally arrived in Malissard to an amazing welcome! But that was not all; we had to go to the Mairie, where a reception was put up with speeches, bouquets and - wait for it - medallions! It was totally surreal! I feel so blessed and grateful thatI had the chance to do this, but to be "rewarded" for it was very humbling.
A huge thanks to all of you who have supported and encouraged us on our way.

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