Double dose of Downeys

I was teased all day by birds that took off the second I finally got them in focus, or stayed on the far side of the tree they were in. Even when i moved to that side of the tree! The day started off with a rose breasted grosbeak in the platform feeder .I can't decide if it's after the safflower seeds  or the  peanuts in the mix.Alas he didn't stay for long. Neither did the little wren singing his heart out on the wires. I then gave up and decided to go grocery shopping. I left the camera home and so missed getting a photo of a low flying bald eagle over the river. 
The cedar waxwings didn't feel like cooperating either. but the good old downey's did. Today was parent feeding babies day. Several Momma robins were seen feeding their ( large ) babies.I really felt sorry for the poor momma house finch being followed everywhere by 3 squeaking babies looking for food. Is it possible for a bird to look harried? The downey Mom only had to deal with one baby . It looked like he proceeded to his assigned place when she stopped in the feeder for a seed. Very cute. The extra is the feeding time.

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