Still wet

and the roses still look wonderful.

The poppies have had it, I'm afraid.  The downpours of the last few days have flattened them and the petals have given up.

I took advantage of the wet weather yesterday to go along to see "Love and Friendship", the film that is based on Jane Austen's novella, "Lady Susan". It's brilliant. It is so funny, so wicked, so clever.....and time absolutely flew.

Yesterday's rain also inspired me to start off some cherry vodka (making it not drinking it !). I loved it when I went to Krakov last November. The  marvellous Polish restaurant in London that I've mentioned a few times, have containers maturing behind the bar. They have horseradish vodka and lemon vodka but I'm not so brave.

I looked up a recipe and have had a go, carefully choosing Rachmaninoff rather than Putinoff it's in a dark corner of the garage and will stay there for at least a month.

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