Footprints in the Sand

By JustKeepSwimmin

Point A to Point B (45)

Seventeen hours of plane sure takes a lot out of a dude...

I have finally proven to my paranoid parents that I am indeed capable of traveling alone! Ah right now I'm waiting for the program dude at the Taiwanese airport and I feel like such a loner...and a FOB. So this is basically how I got through customs. I handed him my passport and when he asked me questions I either nodded, grunted yes, or mumbled some broken Chinese. Also why is everything here written in Chinese!!! Arghh I had the hardest time finding my luggage...I had no idea which carousal to go to so I basically just followed people I recognized from the flight.

Another thing...airplane food sucks like no other. I had one bite of the dinner, some kind of "beef" and "rice" and immediately was like this isn't worth it and went to sleep. Sigh it's like 6 AM over here too so all the shops in the airport are closed.


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