A Leap At The Catherine Wheel, Margate

A trip to the seaside today and it was back to Margate - I love going there. Luckily, it eventually turned into a beautiful day. The first thing we always do is go to see the latest exhibition at the Turner Gallery and the one on today was really fascinating and very cleverly put together. It was called "Seeing Round Corners : The Art Of The Circle" and was it's summer exhibition exploring the ways in which artists have responded to or incorporated the circle in their work. 
Outside on one of the walls was this fantastic white painted "catherine wheel" which looked amazing and, so, for my 700th entry I decided to shoot something rather joyous with my brother jumping in the air! Unfortunately, I don't know who the artist is but I thought it was stunning. After our artistic intervention we decided to go for  coffee and cake and then walk along the sandy beach in the sunshine. A very nice day indeed.
Today's extra shots are from a reclamation yard / gallery on the periphery of the Old Town.

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