Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Games on

We went out with friends to Jeitta, a favourite Lebanese restaurant locally to celebrate the opening of the Olympics. TSM is seen here practicing her waving gestures whilst our friend Mrs D. demonstrates watching intensely. These are important aspects of any Olympic opening.

Went to a local park to grab the first ninety minutes of the opening ceremony on a big screen with a couple of thousand other locals. Not bad I thought, definitely a fun side to it, the celebration of British music was probably the most energising bit. You have to be an enthusiast to watch the endless parade afterwards though, but you do learn some interesting facts (like: Paraguy's is the only flag in the world where the back is different to the front - wow).

Off to bed now - my Olympics starts at 6.00 am tomorrow ... hope they do strong coffee at police HQ...

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