Just another .....

..... hole !!!!
Frustration in abundance yesterday::
1) the service engineer was due
2) the toilet valve had stuck/ broken and was continually flowing.( waste of water )
3) there was a major gas leak next door , hence ----
4) 3 houses had to be evacuated ??
As I was waiting for A I spent 3 hours sitting in the car until he came, news from gas engineer ---- we will have to put you in a hotel overnight ? more ?? We went to get a cuppa on returning spoke further to G. E. who said he was booking a travel lodge for us . Alerted him we needed to collect a pair for the dreaded toilet and also turn the stop cock off. This being done we returned to find we could now return as the escaping gas had subsided!!!
Of course the service engineer had arrived at midday , even after I had phoned to save him an aborted call ( why did I bother ??? )
I had problems that needed to be sorted out with said boiler , on phoning today the 1st appointment is now 16th July!!!! I pay an annual fee on contract for servicing, it hasn't been done this year and the next fee is due in August , can you believe this , what service hey.
The only good thing in this saga is --- at least no one died.
Condolences to all Jo 's family, whatever your political persuasion , no one deserves this , it's just applauding . What is the world coming too.

Happy .... to have A to fix toilet, hopefully, and that the gas leak is being further attended too ie new pipe work.
What do they say ---- just another day at the office!

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