Limps field .....

..... High Street and the village.
I was out at 7.30 am painting another fence Panel, it's ok as long as you don't look too closely??? Then a minimal shop , mainly to pick up flowers and chocolate bar for Rosemary, even tho' I was earlier than last week I still caught the lunch time spot! But it didn't matter I just sat at the table whilst she had her lunch. It is always served nicely , they had steamed fish in parsley sauce today . Rosemary ate it all, and said she enjoyed it too. Really good to hear. I'm amazed how well she looks, memory is still very poor but at present it doesn't seem to be deteriorating further . She still knows me and is always pleased to see me, I think !!.
Hope it will stay dry, I do need to get some more painting done, after Thursday's catastrophic moment I'm really behind!!

Happy .... to have given a little time to Rosemary, she's still so appreciative.

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