One of those weather days

Decided not to let the weather beat me today. Call me Iceman. Because I'm frozen.

I've no idea how it can be 20C one minute and closes in on 5C the next, with rain. But decided to brave the elements and chalk up another few thousand fotos.

Only had two miserable sods today. One on a bike who cussed me out in Italian - good job I don't the language - but in true karma - the heavens opened 5 minutes later. I can sit in my van, he can just get very cold and very wet. Dunno why cyclists think they can be rude and that it's some how acceptable. Just a bit odd.

But as per normal, one cyclist is rude, and the 10-15 who stop and get the business card are more than polite.

One cyclist obviously had enough by my corner and his friend asked if I could drive him with his bike. Not a problem, but I do hope they buy their foto now.

No reason to pick this image apart from it's a pretty yellow.

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