Bald Eagle

By JohnJD

The bell tower was open this morning so that cleaning up the ringing chamber could begin. You can imagine how thick the dust is after a year of building work going on.

I was heading to Speke Hall so couldn't join the cleaning party but I couldn't resist a quick run up the tower to see what progress had been made since my last visit.

As you can see the bells are in and just at the top of the photo you can see the brackets that support the gantry above. The louvres and netting are up on the windows but as you can see from the state of the bells there are some resident pigeons which have either been trapped in there since the netting went up on the windows or there is somewhere that isn't pigeon proof..........yet.

The boards of ply which you can see scattered around will go up in front of the louvres to form the sound control. I am sure that the neighbours will be pleased about that.

There is a walkway to go down where I stood when taking this photo which will allow access to the bell chamber. This is due to be fitted on Wednesday in time for us to show people around the tower at the village festival in a couple of weeks time. We are probably still about 5-6 months away from ringing the bells as the architect has to be satisfied that the cement used to point the stonework of the tower is fully cured.

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