Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

#eroicabritannia *The* Best Festival

I love where I live, but Eroica Britannia makes it simply the best.  For those who have not heard of it, it's a festival celebrating cycling with a heavy dose of vintage-ness.  It has grown each year, and this one is awesome.  Even the mud doesn't effect the enjoyment, all part of a festival.  Mrs H has enjoyed the Gin (see extra) and I have loved pootling around the bike jumble and vintage bike sales. 

The music has been the real highlight so far for me, been introduced to some great bands and The Goat Roper Rodeo Band tonight were simply incredible.  One of my Y6s has been reminding me for weeks now to make sure I see them, and I am so glad he did.

I am riding it for the first time, the 55-mile route.  Can't wait!!!!!!  Departure time is between 07:15 and 09:15 - happy to be sleeping in my comfy bed and not camping with that start :)

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