Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Waiting Patiently

You get to know the birds that will appear first when food is put out for them in the morning. It tends to be a Chaffinch or Robin that is first on the scene eyeing up what has been put out.

This morning it was a young female Chaffinch that flitted about beside me, keen to get the first of the seeds I was putting on top of a wall. I thought it might be a bit impatient, but it wasn't and simply sat on top of an old tree stump waiting patiently for me to finish and get out of its way. Before doing so, I managed to grab a few blips of this relatively tame little bird. I liked the way the blurry red leaves of a Pittosporum bush matched its legs!

Think we are going to a concert in the village hall tonight, which should include some local talent and hopefully finish with a ceilidh. We tried to get 6 tickets but only managed to secure 2, hence the reason for saying I think we are going!

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