Wiston drumming

My first cousin - Grainne - got married today. She is Irish and her husband - Anibal - is from Chile. His surname is Italian as his grandfather emigrated from there to Chile.

The wedding was at Wiston Lodge near Symington in the Borders, near Biggar as G&A Iive in Edinburgh.

A great day, not just because the sun shone after days of rain and grey and it was a chance to catch up with relatives. But because it was a special memorable wedding with a wonderful mix of cultures and customs as well as the happy couple's personal stamp on the day. G &A in the extra.

The Chilean men (and children) wore kilts; the ceremony was outdoors with the guests sitting on blanket covered hay bales; there was singing with the bride playing on keyboard (and later in the night she was doing the same with the groom on guitar with their band performing Latin American music). Loud but with a tremendous rhythm. The Chileans were dancing with gusto and swaying with tango flicks of their feet. Stylish and sensual.

One of the many surprises of the day was a season for us all with drums and percussion where we were guided through a music session. Energetic, spontaneous and enjoyable for all ages: from small child's up to the 92 year old great aunt (who at 11pm was up on the dance floor!). It's been a long time since we've seen such universal laughter and enjoyment as part of a wedding ceremony

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