Gitama's World

By Gitama

The Old Bardic School.....

It was a little wet so we took our raincoats on a walk around  Farrananamangh  lake and then a hike up the hill to the ruins of the Old Bardic School.
It is hard to describe the beautiful views from on top of the hill over the water to the hills/mountains blurring off into the many times can one have their breath taken away without gasping.....I am just hoping that A and P are not sick of hearing OH WOW!....HOW BEAUTIFUL!...OH I LOVE THAT!....there is absolutely no way (even though I have tried) that I cannot help superlatives that sound rather cheesy falling out of my mouth at every turn just about.

On the hill..besides so many other beautiful little flowers grow Bog Cotton (extra)...I love especially looks beautiful when the wind is blowing and the grey sky is just the perfect setting for its fluffy beauty.

On the hill besides all the lovely growing things are the folk in their orange and green macs (extra) waiting for me to catch up...not only are they fitter than I ....but as its my first time here I do have a lot of pics to take.

Up at the Ruins of the Bard School the view is is a strange configuration of small room had an Oak tree growing in the middle of it...which seems to be a little unusual for the location. One cannot help but admire the little pink moss flowers and the other little flowers that grow on the stone walls......the ivy and other plants/trees that perniciously seem to be on a mission to reclaiming everything.

The main pic seemed to sum up what the day was about for me really.....stones... ...and sea...just gorgeous.
We did also find a very unusual hole in the ground that got us discussing what it may of been used for.

After another delicious meal cooked by Himself we piled into Hector (Freespirals car) and headed off for Glengarriff again..this time to see 'Pipers Union'...(I had never seen or heard a Uilleann pipe being played before bloody amazing are they) with a guest star Andy May who played some Northumbrian pipes.........there was a few moments when the stars aligned and the sound was just so perfect.
The Bonny Men...a younger group were also fabulous too....however we didn't get home till quite late weary and ready for bed.

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