Oh Nuts!

And nuts again!
I went to make some toast this morning and found that we had had a visitor.
There was no sign of him apart from the crumbs next to the bread - and footprints in the sand  .... well, the salvaged fat waiting for the bin.
He had also been drawing a flower.

I was taken out for lunch by Bags. A lovely meal.
Thank You Bags.

While SWMBO was in the kitchen preparing her evening meal (I didn't need anything) I heard a huge scream. I thought she had burnt herself or chopped a finger off so ran through and she informed me that the visitor was back.
He might have been - but there was no way he was going to hang about after that scream!
He came out and wandered slowly towards us across the floor ..... completely unfazed.
So I popped a colander over him, scooped him up and took him off to the field where he legged it before I could press the shutter on the (pre-focused) camera.

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