
of the most excellent parts of being members of our vibrant, lively church is how well we do a pudding table at a shared meal. Katie took great delight in pointing out our cake that we'd made this morning, and thankfully it was a nice success. 

Today was one of my "I'm going to take ownership of my new job roll" events. There'd been some sadness expressed that some much loved social events had been abandoned in recent times. So I (with consent from appropriate leadership!) reinstated the Annual BBQ and treasure hunt. It was an excellent team effort including the host household, the treasure hunt designer and I. We were thrilled that a) we got the essential good weather for the duration and b) over 60 people turned up! I am aware that from now on all these occasions will be, for me as their employee, a work event in that now the planning and coordinating all falls to me and I will end up running around on the days but we both had a wonderful time. Katie went with friends to do the treasure hunt. And they ended up winning! She'd got a little stressed at the extreme competitive nature of her carfull (weirdly, as she's fiercely competitive....) and said apparently "but its most important that we have fun!!!" Then did an extremely happy "we won we won we won we won" song when presented with their box of chocolates. She ate her weight in sausages and cakes, rolled down the bank, cartwheeled for an hour solid, played in the parachute (yes, in not with or on - that game where you twizzel a kid up in it and all pull to spin them super fast!) We didn't even leave until gone 4pm!!  A fabulous afternoon with friends. 

We'd plans for various things this afternoon but ended up just doing some pictures with her airbrush pens, playing some piano then having a late supper & she fell asleep before I had even gone in to read her story! 

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