Mug shot

SO enjoying having Julia here...we caught the boat over to Talamanca beach, had a few hours there with Danny, Asha & another friend... 
Church tonight...then a late night fro-yo up by the Cathedral, looking out over the harbour & having a heart to heart. Really should have taken my camera as the lights tonight were spectacular.

Extra pic is of Ju holding Asha's head as she snoozed on the way to church!

Also, Mom read through my blips from when she was diagnosed with meningitis...she's not been able to look til now....she was touched by all your care & concern & has asked me to say thankyou to you from my Mom, Hélène, thankyou... She has a long road ahead, recovery is slow, BUT she's so much better than we ever imagined she could be 10 weeks ago...

Today I'm grateful for; 
1) Wonderful & encouraging emails.
2) That wonderful post-beach shower.
3) Julia.

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