Cupcake creations

I had all sorts of plans this morning, but they all ground to a halt when I couldn't find my house keys. Our door has to be locked in order for it to close, great as it means you can't accidentally leave without them...but it also meant I was totally stuck. Danny joined in the search after he finished his class...anyway, ended up getting a new set cut. 
This afternoon Asha & I baked coffee, walnut & chocolate muffins in preparation for Dave's birthday tomorrow. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having a key cutting place nearby, and it not being expensive to get a new set.
2) Asha's enthusiasm to help with the baking. She informed me it's what daughters do, 'help'! Ha...we'll see if she feels the same when she hits her teens! 
3) Smiley Nate.

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