A misty start

An early get away 8.00 although it's misty, we are on road 63 heading for the famous Geirangerfjorden, the more hairpins we cornered the thicker it became. Thank goodness we didn't meet another vehicle, waterfalls along the way, not many pics. Shame we couldn't see the views but quite exilerating. We stopped from breakfast where the mist had cleared and could see the traffic increasing, all before 10.00. A long road of scenic splendour. Certainly worth going back after a chance conversation with a Greman couple who said it was a 'must'. we nearly missed it all. It became a busy route as the morning passed with dozens of camping cars, coaches (eeek) motorbikes and cars. We arrived at the Geirangerfjorden to look down in wonder along with many other people. The mist had lifted but the photos didn't turn out well.

Across on a ferry and another less dramatic rise, again the mist poured in as we stood there. An overnight stop near a tumultuous river.
Hope you like the extra, different.

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