Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Day 11

You know, its been this long he's practicably home tomorrow... ish.

So anyhoo. This is my bra, its new and I just got it today from my beloved La Senza in Carlisle (i know right, day trip) I went today with Mandy. I spent probably way to much, on all things great. I bought some really cool h&m pants but they don't fit right :/ they have a zip at the back and that doesn't zip up when there on. Not because I'm a fat bitch but because there a 14 but I dunno, they just don't fit. Which is a shame because they are comical.

Got a text from my John today YES. He says he misses me and that he hopes that I'm okay without him. How do you think I'm holding up? :P

I've been occupying my self to do things that aren't at home but I miss home when I'm not there. Sounds weird.

Happy blipping y'all.

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