Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Working Hard

My girls, Shaw, Pip and Breagh worked really hard today! These sheep on the roadside had had a fright from tourists blocking their road in and taking photos so they weren't keen to go back that way. The dogs had to push them hard to keep them moving and to stop lambs breaking back. Up front is Pip (left) and her mum Shaw (right) then Bud (husbands dog) and Breagh at the back. All working as a team.

I also have a big group cut into some trees and I sent Breagh after them and suddenly realised the ewes had headed right down onto the road and Breagh had got ahead of them and turned them the right way. However she had got out of sight and I was awfully worried that she might get run over so had to hot foot it down after her. I whistled and whistled and she finally turned up having walked the sheep down the road on her own.

Then at the end of the gather we walked all the sheep from the park into a smaller field next to the handling system. There was a lot of bracken and sheep and lambs everywhere and my girls worked fantastically to keep the pressure on and keeping the sheep together. All very tired now and I have a sore throat as it was hard for the dogs to hear me over the ruckus of all the ewes and lambs bleating!

Check out Breaghs video from a few gathers ago where she works out of my sight.

Also a video of handling the ewes on Friday.

14c overcast and misty with rain am slowly clearing away

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