Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


The dogs enjoying a run on the beach this morning. Busy day at the farm where we manage the livestock. Bullocks in for going to abattoir, plus 2 sheep. Got in bullock with adder bite as it has become infected again. Got stronger course of anti biotics from the vet for him he will be getting injected every day for 5 days think he's going to hate us by the end but it is for his own good. Home for lunch and get shearing stuff and catch horses and put them in wee field by the shed for the equine podiatrists to do their feet. Back to the farm where we manage the livestock and shear the tups. Then gathered in the hoggs that were quarantined after coming back from winter grazing and took the out the hill. Back home and put the horses back and fed dogs whilst husband pressure washed the trailer. Now it's dinner time. Glad to have all that done especially as this looks like last proper dry day for a while!!

17c sunshine all day

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