Everton Heights

Not my usual Monday. 

Liverpool. It started in heavy rain. It ended in glorious sunshine. I've missed blue skies.

It also ended with a bit of a walk from the University to Everton Heights - not as far as I expected.

The view was spectacular. Right over the city centre and the Mersey to the Welsh Hills. Snowdon and Anglesey were very clear (I wish I'd had a better camera with me - the extra doesn't do it justice). There was a lot to take in.

This whole area has seen two lots of clearance. In the 1840's and '50's traced houses were built for Irish immigrants, heading down the hill in lines to the docks. They were cleared and replaced with big blocks, and still no open space, which blocked the view. Now it is a large parkland and wonderful meadow. We chatted to a local volunteer, one of the Friends of the Heights, who loves what has been created here.

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