Mary in the Meadow

After my yearly physical this morning (complete with the bending and the coughing), I felt the need to take a relaxing ride. I was hoping to see sand-hill cranes or some daytime deer.

I had just gone by the farmsteadow,
when I saw something up aheado.
It wasn't a deer, but insteado,
it was young Mary in the meadow.

As for the physical, I won't give any details except for this. Every year, the same question gets answered, and the question is...How do you pick a doctor?

Is it ???...A. I like the fact that he keeps the appointments on time.
          B. I like his schools of choice, and his wall of diplomas.
          C. I like his bedside manner.

The answer is no, no, and no. The correct answer is...I pick a doctor because he has s-m-a-l-l fingers. HA!!!!

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