
By mrsc48

Can now

Today is the longest day.

It has been a long one.

I've not blipped for over a week since I took off my walking shoes and rested my weary feet. But tonight I put my other shoes on, my dancing shoes to go to see Rod Stewart in our home town.

I wasn't going to go, i decided he'd be too old and I'd only be dissapointed and as you all who know me, know, there is no one like Bruce Springsteen. So I wasn't going - until the opportunity for tickets was there, shall I? Yes, I'd only regret not going, so my poor teenage daughter accompanied me to another older generation concert!

I had a bit of a rush to get there but made it in the end with as it turned out loads of time to spare! There were 2 support acts (bruce does not do supports!), one of which was Rods daughter Ruby, and in fairness she could sing and was quite good although I was really waiting for the man himself.

He eventually came on stage around 8.30pm. A little bit hard to hear him at the start but he improved over time, he knew when to stop, another, who unlike Paul McCartney, who knows his limits for his age and allows the crowd to sing the bits he might find difficult. He allowed himself odd rests during songs where the fiddler's, guitars, saxaphone and harp would play there solo buts, allowing rod time to recover and take a sip of water.

He belted out the old and not so old, gave special mention to the chairman of the football club and wished our team well this season. He toyed with the crowd, sitting on the steps and kicking footballs into the crowd. He sang his famous 'sailing' which went down a treat and 'do you think I'm sexy'?

The evening ended with a fire works display.

A truly amazing night, Sir Rod Stewart could entertain then, and he sure still can now.

Bruce will always be my favourite but having seen Rod three times now I can say with hand on heart he's still got it.

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