I know I know, more family photos; where's the black and white / reflections / abstracts...? Normal service will be resumed shortly, but first:
A day out on the bike; hither and yon. Mostly a good day, too. Got a lot done. Even managed lunch as we sat in a close off the High St in the warmth and shared a pork and salad wrap with a lemon / fennel / garlic mayo.
And after all that I rocked up at school, liberated them and then decided it was time for Alex to get on a bike without stabilisers. And with no preamble whatsoever, he got on, I gave him a shove and that was it.
We spent half an hour doing laps of Go Outdoors car park and then came home for dinner (pork cous cous with tomato, spring onions, cucumber, fried courgette and honey / lemon dressing followed by left over cake (see Sunday) and strawberries)
Then football (mostly the Portugal v Hungary 3-3 draw). Before books and bed time.
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