Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Yet another BBQ!

Lots of dramas today! Up early to go to the supermarket for the BBQ lunch at the river. Our pals S, T and J were coming up from Brisbane for the day. But... Flat battery in the car! Rang Barry, who came round, plugged the battery into a doo-dacky for the day, and then took us shopping. What a great neighbour to have!

What must have happened was that I had switched the lights off when we came home in the dark the other day, and switched them right round, past 'OFF' to 'park' lights, where they stayed for a day while we were on our expedition. But you do really need a car here - no corner shops!

However, shopping successful, picnic table of choice procured, and BBQ pretty good, if I say so myself. Keep off the roo burgers and croc sausages and you'll be fine! S made us a cake for afters.

There were loads of parties going on, and these wee girls were having a whale of a time next to us, dancing to their girly music. J bagged one of their balloons at the end, and had fun in the park and playing by the river. Of course he got his jeans and grundies wet!

The wifi has suddenly decided that my iPad is not allowed to join it. This is somewhat inconvenient, and I'm hoping it's a temporary state, but I have no idea why. I am using JR's iPad, which doesn't have iPhoto on it.

I'll ask Barry - he's got the answer to everything!

PS this is not the photo I meant to blip, but I can't change it on the iPad app. Most annoying!

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