The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

I took Maisie for a walk along the drain side today (nicer than it sounds!) and she played with a spaniel for a little while before the call of the water became too much for her and she ran down the bank into the water. She swam around for a little while then disappeared as she approached the bank. She couldn't get out and cried and cried for a couple of minutes  .. but eventually she scrambled back up the bank. It would be nice to think she'd learnt her lesson but I expect not - it scared me to death!

My blip is six sunbathing foxes.

What else happened? Oh yes - this country is ruined because too many people who gave absolutely no thought to the repercussions of their xenophobic, fantasy nostalgic votes. I have seen many interviews with people who voted 'Leave' gormlessly saying to camera that 'they didn't think their vote would affect anything' 'They wished they could vote again - they'd vote remain next time' 

I despair.

I have felt sick and totally at sea about it all day. And it will only get worse.

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