The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Eagle has landed...

Well, we have landed. Twice.

24 hours of, train, tube, train, plane one, plane two, taxi.
And finally we are here. It feels nice to be back.

This is the view from the apartment balcony. The weather is warm and humid.
We arrived about half five and unpacked and after I had taken this picture we walked to a favourite restaurant of ours for dinner. As we were about to pay, the monsoon heavens opened. BIG TIME! We got drenched! Apparently monsoon started late so we are in for a treat in August...rain, rain, rain. What joy!!!!

Anyway, now we are sipping Bombay Sapphire and tonic, lying on the floor on cushions and watching some of the Olympic Basketball. Most of it will be on in the middle of the night so I will miss most of the action...but on the flip side, I won't waste two weeks staring at the TV!

We are meeting the new staff tomorrow for breakfast and during a busy day of activities I will also be arranging my gym membership. This is a month of mega exercise for me!!


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